My blog used to take around 60 Seconds to load fully. It had several gadgets like verve earth, Recent visitors, Google trends, Recent news, Videos etc etc .. I removed all those links from blog ..
Also there were 10 Posts displayed in page..Reduced it to 5
There were some posts which has Videos embedded, so whenever my blog used to load, these videos also starts loading and due to which, other parts of blog was loaded slowly .. Removed these Video embedded posts ..
I follow 70+ Blogs related to Testing, Identity Management, Social Cause related blogs.. earlier, It used to list latest blog entry with summary also. I disabled those, Now only name of blog is displayed.
Later, I had put Google Adsense Advertisement after every post, Through which I had earned few dollars in 2 Year, But these Ads were also having some Flash/Video which was making the blog slower ..also, It was not looking good .. So I removed the Adsense.
I had Amazon Associate Book advertisement link as well, I removed this.
I changed the template. Color pattern also is changed to give a better look and readability.