Wednesday, June 10, 2009

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Monday, June 8, 2009

I have a dream .. Beggar Free World

This is one of my favorite song by ABBA .. I have a dream ..So whats my dream .. Is my life also going to be similar to millions "(Birth) Start -> Study -> Job -> Marriage -> Kids -> Their Study -> Their Marriage -> End (Good Bye)}" .. Whats wrong in that life .. Nothing .. But whats wrong in dreaming .Dreaming to go beyond that.. Apart from Normal responsibilities.. . Dream on .. Dream On .. Will try to do something about that .. If achieved ..Great .. If could not ..At least there will not be regret that, I didn't put even a cent for that ..

My Dream is to see Beggar Free World .. Simple .. Who is beggar? Why He begs in Streets .. What can be done ..

People Say .. They are lazy .. There is Gang who operates them .. There are many frauds/Cheats by beggars .. They are criminals at night .. They may be fit but, act as disabled .. Don't encourage them by giving money .. Blah Blah ..

There are NGOs for children, Old-Age, Disabled .. Do we have any NGO for Beggars .. I didn't find on Internet at least ..

What should be minimum Action Plan:
1. Identify how many beggars are there in Every District ..
2. Open one big House Say "Less privileged Home" having large capacity ..
3. Get all the beggars (Police and Civic bodies should make sure, No Beggar is left) in that place ..
4. There should be minimum food/Shelter/cloths arranged ..
5. Counsel/Discuss with each and every Person (They are no more beggars Once they enter this house) and See whats their problem? Do they not have Ability to work due to heath reasons .. Mental problem .. (We know there is scarcity of labours/4Th grade persons to work in Villages/Cities, Again work can be allotted based on skills))
6. Initial training for different work should be given .. and private jobs like working in Fields or Construction should be given ..
7. I request to all those Rich people, who spends millions of Rs for their every day expense to help this cause by spending bit less .. There is so many people in world(India), who does not have food (Even Thrown food by hotels) to eat in night, and so many people spend Lacs for one evening party .. I do not say, Do not spend .. But just a portion ..1% of that ..give to these organization ..

Well, should I start an NGO and contact to BBMP/State Govt in Karnataka to begin with .. I would love to .. But I am lazy/weak ..Yes that's reality .. I fear a lot .. I need some initial push/help from some established organization ..I don't know what should I do .? Where to start .. I do not have money .. Do not have big contacts.. I try to spread this message to as many as possible ..whenever I meet somebody .. In my blogs .. In my websites ..I know, its not enough.. I should do more .. I promise to myself, I will do something more ..

I am trying to contact few of Administration/Govt personel, who can help .. I will keep on trying .. My conscience is clear .. I do not want money out of this .. Where I work, I put my maximum effort and I am sure, I will not get any problem for my basic necessities (And I don't need more than that to live) .. But I want this biological life to be of some use..before it decays. (This opportunity I will not get again,.. I do not believe in Re-incarnation :) ). I don't want to die unnoticed .. I want to see world Happy..

Lets see .. what can I do .. a new Slogan from my side Other than "Spread Unconditional Love" .. "Beggar Free World" ..

Please support me for this cause ..What ever you can do least guide me.. encourage me..